If anyone in the accident is injured, seek immediate medical attention.
Report the accident to the police.
Cooperate with the police, but do not make any statements about your legal liability.
If there are other drivers involved in the accident, exchange names, addresses, and insurance information Write down the following information:
If possible, take photos of any damage to your vehicle and any other damage caused by the accident.
Report the claim to your Hastings independent agent as soon as possible.
If you have a Homeowner, Mobile Homeowner, or Farmowner policy with Hastings, you are covered by our free Identity Recovery Expense Coverage.
To report a claim involving identity theft, please call Hastings at 800-442-8277 ext. 1315 for recovery assistance from our Claims Support Group.
Report all mold damage claims to your Hastings independent agent.
Although 98% of all molds are harmless, there is potential for adverse effects on your health. If members of your household have respiratory problems, you should consider temporarily leaving the home until the mold can be controlled.
Not all mold losses are covered by the insurance policy. Your claims representative will explain the coverage at the time of inspection.
If you have Emergency Roadside Assistance and Towing Coverage, your towing fee is covered by your Hastings personal auto or business auto policy.
For towing assistance, please directly call 800-255-7137 and press #2 for a customer service representative who can assist you by dispatching a local towing service company. Please note this number may also be able to provide some assistance with other vehicle related issues that you may experience.
The customer service representative will need to know your location and what services you need assistance with.
This service will cover the cost for towing your vehicle to the location of your choice within a 10 mile radius or to the nearest auto service and repair shop. If you elect to be towed to the location of your choice regardless of distance, you may be responsible for part of the towing fee.
When you call 800-255-7137, Hastings will be billed directly for towing fees.
Take all necessary and appropriate steps to protect the property from further damage.
If possible, take photos of the damaged property for claims documentation.
Report all property claims to your Hastings independent agent.
Report all water damage claims to your Hastings independent agent.
Locate the source of the water problem. If the water damage is a result of plumbing problems, turn off the water source and contact your plumber to make the necessary repairs. If the water damage is a result of a roof leak, have temporary repairs made to avoid continued problems.
Some causes of loss may not be covered by the insurance policy. The Hastings claim representative will help make that determination.
Contact a local, professional water extraction contractor to begin the extraction and drying process. The water must be removed to protect your property and to make further repairs. This is recommended whether there is insurance coverage or not.
If you participate in the cleanup process, keep a record of your hours of labor and costs of materials to present to the claim representative.
Your Hastings claims representative should contact you within 24 hours after the claim is reported to Hastings.
Hastings will waive the insurance deductible if we can repair your windshield instead of replacing it. Many small chips or breaks can be repaired to a safe level rather that replacing it for a new windshield that has a much higher cost.
Your Hastings agent may be able to help determine if a repair of the windshield is possible.
Hastings provides our policyholders assistance from Quest Towing Services’ Glass Claims Call Center when reporting a windshield loss. If you call Quest to report your loss, you will need to know your Hastings policy number that consists of three (3) alpha characters followed by seven (7) numeric digits.
Call Quest’s Glass Claims Call Center at 800-255-7137 and press #1 to speak with a customer service representative that can help you select a glass vendor and begin the process of windshield repair or replacement.
Our dedicated claims team is committed to providing excellent customer service in all aspects of claim management. Below is an outline of a few specific details to expedite the claims process and provide helpful tools for the reporting process. A Hastings claim representative should contact you and your agent within 24 hours after the claim is reported to Hastings. Your claim representative will remain in close contact until the situation is resolved.
To Report a Workers' Compensation Claim
Step 1: Access each state's specific Workers' Compensation Agency by clicking on the links below. Once the state specific site loads, you should be able to search for Report of Injury to find that state's applicable form.
Step 2: Email or fax the completed Report of Injury to:
Step 3: Access the First Fill Prescription Certificate form here, if applicable.
You and your agent will receive a written notice of the claim with the adjuster’s information and you should expect a call from your adjuster within 24 business hours of submitting the claim.
Additional Requirements / Helpful Hints
Hastings Insurance Company
404 E. Woodlawn Ave.
Hastings, MI 49058
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (EST)
(800) 442-8277
Terms of Use and Privacy Statement© Hastings Insurance Company. All rights reserved.