If you own a business, this might be the best time ever to think about the future of your company. You’ve probably been able to cut expenses with employees working from home. Maybe you’ve streamlined your processes because supplies and customers
aren’t available the same way they used to be. Some companies report many of their employees are going to be remote permanently.
There’s a good chance that your business won’t operate the way it did before COVID-19. A changing business environment means your company needs to be responsive and prepared for the unexpected.
Being ready for anything — well, that’s kind of the point of insurance. We offer many different types of policies for small and mid-size businesses as
well as what we call add-on coverages. One that’s useful to almost every businessowner is simply called Businessowners Multicoverage.
It features support for businesses that are growing quickly. There’s expanded coverage for accounts receivable (up to $10,000), employee dishonesty (up to $5,000), valuable papers (an additional $10,000), and water backup (to a maximum
of $10,000).
If you’re expanding your business, there’s an additional $5,000 coverage for the increased cost of construction, an additional $100,000 for newly acquired and constructed buildings, and even an additional $2,500
to pay for the cost of recharging your fire extinguishers if needed.
When you have your Hastings Mutual insurance coverage updated and in place, it’s time to think about other tools that will help you build your business. Try a customer
management system; even if it’s just a basic spreadsheet, you’ll be able to learn more about who’s buying your products and services.
A simple website or Facebook page will attract visitors, and it’s a great way
to collect email addresses. Then you’ll have a mailing list for updates and newsletters — information you can send about your new expanded business to all your customers, wherever they are.
Nearly every company needs this protection.
You keep your customers’ cars safe. Now do the same for your business.
What you can do to help hurricane victims — and prevent tragedy at your company.
Hastings Insurance Company
404 E. Woodlawn Ave.
Hastings, MI 49058
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (EST)
(800) 442-8277
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