If you know Hastings Mutual at all, you know we offer coverage for your home, your car, your business, and your farm. When we’re talking about home insurance, we look at 16 different kinds of peril that put your property at risk, among other things.
Something else a peril like a windstorm can do is knock out your power. In our part of the country we’re all familiar with massive, rain-soaked thunderstorms and heavy snowfall that shuts down electricity for a few hours to a few days, depending on the severity. What do you do if there’s a power outage?
Hopefully it’s not too much of a concern; maybe you’re able to just call it an early night since there’s no TV to watch. Or you have a generator on hand and can get back to normal right away. No matter how long the power is out, you need to be ready for a long emergency.
You probably know what to do to be prepared for an emergency — if you have a generator, you’re off to a great start — but the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Administration has
a few ideas, too.
Questions? Let us know in the comments.
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