At Hastings Mutual, insurance is discussed every single day — it’s the business the company is in, after all. But if you’re like most people, you only think about insurance a few times a year: if tragedy strikes and there’s a need to file a claim; if you see a memorable ad on TV; or if it’s time to renew your policy.
It’s time to renew your policy before the policy term comes to an end. Information on your upcoming renewal is sent to you 30 days or more before your renewal date, so you have plenty of time to review it and make changes. It’s also a great opportunity for your local independent insurance agentto follow up with you, not only to make sure the information on your car and your family’s driving situation is up to date, but also just to say hi!
When you do talk with your agent — or even if you’re just reviewing your information yourself — the primary thing
you are looking at is your “dec page,” short for declarations pages (there’s usually more than one actual
page, but the single page you see first is typically the one that summarizes the most important data). That’s where
you see the kinds of coverage you have, the limits you have on each coverage, and the amount of your premium.
You also receive explanations of the coverages you have, and information on any changes to what Hastings Mutual is doing for you. For example, No-Fault Reform was a series of major changes to personal auto coverage in Michigan. Most of it took effect in summer 2020, and we tried to answer as many questions as we could for our policyholders as part of what they were sent when it was time for policy renewal.
Take a look at the coverages you have and the cost for them. The dec pages and your agent can help clear up any questions you have. This renewal time is also a great time to update your information — like when you add a new driver to a policy.
Questions? Let me know in the comments.
The Mutual Understanding blog and Hastings Mutual videos are made available for educational purposes only. The information referred to is not an official company statement, corporate policy, or offer of coverage. Refer to your insurance policy for specific coverage. There is no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of any information found by following any link on this site. Please contact your local independent insurance agent with further questions and for more details on any insurance policy-related information you read here.
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