When I was in college, I rented an apartment near campus so I could walk to class every day (there was never enough student parking to make it worth driving). I shared the apartment with a roommate, which was fun, but not the same thing as having my own place. I did that after I graduated college and got my first job.
I worked in the same town as the apartment, and I signed the lease one afternoon after work. The next day, on my lunch break, I remember driving over to my new apartment and unlocking the door. There was nothing inside except four walls, a roof, and a floor — well, I guess there was a refrigerator and stove too — and I can still recall the feeling of freedom. I laid down on the carpet and just relaxed for a minute. It was my place, and it was entirely up to me how it was set up, what was in it, and what happened there.
My parents helped me move in that weekend, and in addition to asking me where to put the table and the bedroom
furniture, my father gave me one piece of advice. He told me to get renter’s insurance, in case there was a leak
that soaked my books and clothing, or someone got hurt while hanging out in my apartment.
I must admit, I didn’t buy renter’s insurance, and so I took my chances with the weather, my neighbors, and my visitors. Fortunately for me, nothing went wrong with my stuff or the apartment while I was living there. But looking back, it would have been a good idea to get coverage.
Hastings' renter’s insurance covers the fundamentals for rental locations, whether it’s an apartment or a house. Personal property (like my table and books, and the couch and TV I eventually purchased — one of those “old-fashioned” TVs, one I think even had a slot to play videotapes) is covered up to a limit, for the perils insured against, as are valuables like cash and jewelry.
If you’re looking for protection in your new place, whether it has furniture yet or not, reach out to your local independent insurance agent and ask about renter’s insurance.
From insurance to cardboard boxes: What you might not think of when it’s time to move.
This is my beautiful house, and it’s ready for anything.
Keep cool and clean with these simple tips for outside and inside.
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