Driver distractions, such as texting and driving, winter weather snow and ice, or other issues, pose serious risks to drivers on the road. We've got the information you need to keep your family and your company safe and claim-free.
This year you’ll probably be spending a lot of time in your car. Before you head out on a trip, make sure your car is in good condition.
Here are a few supplies that can help you if you’re stranded or waiting for rescue.
You probably have your cellphone with you, but make sure you also have a phone charger.
Have a snack and water in your car to help keep you going.
Other basics to pack include:
Don’t forget the most important rules of the road: Drive safely. Pay attention to other drivers. Go slowly in bad weather. And remember: your emergency kit is there if something goes wrong.
November is Drowsy Driving Prevention Month, which makes a lot of sense — it’s when the time change happens, and the days get shorter. But schedules remain the same, and tiredness behind the wheel can be dangerous or even fatal...Full story
It’s an old story: you’re driving home on the route you take every day. It’s late in the afternoon and there’s not much traffic. It feels like you can relax a bit, so when you hear the sound of a new text on your phone, you...Full story
In the U.S., vehicles have been required to include seat belts since 1968. In many states, drivers are now required to use the seat belts or risk a fine or traffic citation. It’s a safety measure that has been successful in reducing traffic fatalities ...Full story
Over the past few months, the team at Hastings Mutual has been taking a close look at our policyholders to find out who they are and what they’re looking for in their insurance coverage. We discovered that drivers at least age...Full story
Kira Hudson of Indiana told her story to the Indianapolis Star newspaper about an incident that happened to her in 2005. She was arguing with her boyfriend on the other end of her phone as she drove her SUV down a deserted road...Full story
When I got my driver’s license at 16, I remember a feeling of freedom. It would be a while before I owned a car, but now at least I had the opportunity to go where I wanted when I wanted. It’s a feeling...Full story
Sometimes it feels like you can’t help it. Someone is driving slowly in the fast lane, or they race through a red light when you’re about to make a turn. You make an angry gesture and slam on your horn. Watching the news that night...Full story
Safety Thoughts are short papers intended to raise auto safety awareness and safe driving practices.
The following documents are to help you secure the necessary information in the event of a motor vehicle accident.
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