Educate yourself and your family on home fire safety, electrical safety, and other topics to prevent injury and property damage.
It’s that time of year for our six-state coverage area: thunderstorm season. Scientists say we’re in the perfect spot for storms, since we live where warm air from the Gulf of Mexico meets cold air coming from Canada. Thunderstorms aren’t...Full story
Electrical safety is invaluable for most people every day. It certainly is for you and me — after all, without a safe source of electricity, I wouldn’t have been able to add this blog post to our website, and you couldn’t read it...Full story
I’ve never lived in Alaska, but I have friends who did. They said one of the tricks to living there is to forget about having a car, and instead drive a snowmachine (their word — I call it a snowmobile). I’m sure using a car or truck ...Full story
If you know Hastings Mutual at all, you know we offer coverage for your home, your car, your business, and your farm. When we’re talking about home insurance, we look at 16 different kinds of peril that put your property at risk...Full story
There’s a tradition at my house: the first Saturday of each month, my son and I do a “maintenance check” of the house. We check the salt in the water softener, we make sure there are no leaks around the windows and doors, and maybe... Full story
It’s almost as common as pumpkin spice: the smell of a wood fire in the autumn air. For many in the six-state Hastings Mutual coverage area, fireplaces and wood stoves are a long tradition in their homes. One of the many tools we offer our local independent insurance agent partners...Full story
Handling risk. That’s what we do, and it’s in fact the entire purpose of insurance: risk management. If something goes wrong you want reassurance that someone is there to support you, and get your business, home, or farm back up and running as...Full story
Imagine: it’s Sunday evening, about 6 p.m., and you’re getting ready for the work week. Dinner is over; maybe it’s time to watch TV or make the kids’ school lunches. According to the National Fire Protection Association, it’s also the most...Full story
Safety Thoughts are short papers intended to raise home safety awareness and practices. Learn how to protect your home and prevent fire with these safety tips.
Safety bulletins are technical documents that provide information to improve home owner safety awareness and practices. Learn more about wood stove safety, fireplace safety, kitchen fire safety, burning safety, and more on how to prevent home fires.
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